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Rental Process and Charging Standard

Multi-Functional Room 
1. Apply after confirmation of schedule by filling the application form. ( apply 10 days before the activity )
2. Certificate of the Unit(legal registration certificate, people’s organizations certificate, etc.)
3. Activity Proposal(such as plan, pamphlets, and ads)
4. Pay 7 days before the activity.

Fees and Charges
Places Conference Room Outdoors Platform Multi-Functional Room
Capacity 70 people 50 people 40 people
Time Morning Session:0830-1230; Afternoon Session1330-1730
Guarantee Fee NTD 2,000/ per application
Rental (per session, air conditioning included) NTD 1,400 NTD 1,200 NTD 1,100
Recommended Use Press conferences, seminars, lecturers, workshops, exhibitions, videos display Outdoors performances, speeches Press conferences, exhibitions, seminars, lecturers, speeches

5. The rental application shall be conducted within 7 days.
6. Photos:
Conference Room(Learing)

Conference Room(Front View)

Conference Room(Back View)

The Outdoors Platform

Multi-Functional Room(Front View)

Multi-Functional Room(Back View)